After hurricane Ike reeked havoc on this Baytown church, The Insulation Guru received a call to fix damaged insulation. A remodeling effort was already under way and a solution to repair the insulation was the next priority.
The Insulation Guru offered a comprehensive insulation package deal that included insulating the entire structure to Energy Star standards (walls, ceiling, sub-floors, pony walls). The comprehensive solution included upgraded R-15 Owens Corning Pro Pink friction fit batts for the walls, R-30 Owens Corning Pro Pink friction fit batts for the vaulted ceiling (on both sides), and Free Foaming of penetrations (a solution none of the other bidding companies offered) and R-19 for pony walls and sub-floors.
The Insulation Guru’s bid was accepted after customer compared pricing, verbiage of bids and presentation.
After the Church reopened, the A/C did not run constantly as it had in the past and the desired temperature was reached faster. The overall air quality was improved due to better weatherization.